Jim Carrey Lawsuits

The case is Brigid Sweetman V. James Eugene Camel et al
Case Number BC636760
Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles

Jim Carrey former girlfriend Cathriona White died in September 2015.  They announced that Cathriona White dies from a suicide from a drug overdose which meant she took her own life Jim Carrey didn't do it.

speculation: "what if she wanted just to feel good" (Johnathen Hearst.) 
I believe in the right to die and if it was a an accident at least she was doing what she loved.  Was she aware that the mixture of would be a lethal dose a lot of people just don't know these things.  She took Ambien, Zolfran, Percocet, and Propranolol.

Jim has second lawsuit for wrongful death from Cathriona's mother. 

Drug Dealer's Liability Act, that kind of makes drug dealers pretty official. 
"It makes drug dealers civilly liable to pay for expenses those injured because of someone using drugs or those who just get injured by using drugs.  It is essentially a products' liability act for illegal drugs" (copyright Daniel Bent) "The principles of market liability or "market -share liability in existing case law allow civil recovery from manufacturers of hazardous materials for injury cast by those materials that affect health, even if the source of a particular product that caused injuries cannot be identified." isn't that ridiculous, even if it can't be identified

not only that but for someone to be guilty in trial "need not prove that drug user received a specific defendant's illegal drugs"  you just have to be part of that crowd.

Some people say that drugs are hazardous materials - but they make you feel good and your body wants to work with things that make it feel good it does not mean they are hazardous or dangerous materials.

Let Jim Carrey live in freedom and may he not lose his rights as citizen, he is a good man
and please everyone out there stop eating animals they are suppose to be our friends...yeah MTV