On the scene...updates

Michael Jackson

The sudden death of Michael Jackson has created so much heartache and pain all over the world.
Brie Brazleton, best friend and survivor of the La Conchita Disaster,
called me at 3:00pm and told me Michael Jackson was dead...
we both were on the phone shocked and stunned in disbelief.
I wanted to cry, but just like the time and temper of the La Conchita Disaster,

I had to urgently get to work.

Although I have two unpaid speeding tickets in Los Angeles; I did what I do best and in minutes

was at havenhurst with Larry looking at the faces of the devastated fans crying
outside of the Jackson House...like everyone else we didn't know what to say.
There was a rush of reporters at every location left with traces of Michael...
there were times I felt overwhelmed at the press-ing questions thrown out to larry and I
about out reaction, prying at details about Neverland Ranch, testifying at the trial,
and everything else we had done.

The day he died my sister came over shocked ...we had just said goodbye to our father 18 months ago

and now we lose someone else who was a powerful inluence in our lives
in the lives of every other son and daughter.

CNN stated that he had a heart-attack as we stared at the television,
I leaned over whispering so that I would not be heard by the recording camera,
" you know it was probably poison from the script" She looked at me confused,
I said " you don't really think that a 50 year old man after decades of performing
and stress doesn't need pain killers..remember dad? The next night on the news
all of a sudden everyone was speculating that Michael had taken prescription drugs.....
crap..I wondered if there was a bird at my window.

Dilaudid is the pain killer used by emergency rooms..it is eight times stronger
than morphine or heroin..my father took dilaudid, I also came close to an addiction
using Dilaudid ...I wonder if he was using that type of medication
demerol is not that strong of an opiate in my opinion..

I guess it was well known that he had a problem with pain killers...

We are not going to get answers from Doctor Conrad..He was NOT Michaels regular

doctor..he was only brought in for the insuarance company exam.

day 2 with no sleep - going on 3 and i had tons of work ahead of me...

according to CNN, the doctor caring for Michael had come into the room to see MJ
was not breathing but had a slight pulse...makes me wonder - was it a heart attack
or was it respiratory depression. Think about that for a second..there have been many times
during my sleep when I am so into the vision in my head and dream I hold I stop breathing
and wake up gasping for air..I could have easily not ...I was breath-taken from the thoughts in my mind.

Tom Meserau was on CNN the morning after his death and talked with reporters bringing me to tears.

Tom straight up said how tragic it was after being found not-guilty 14 times the whole world
was still against him and now that he is dead the whole world loves him....
I hope that Tom continues to do more interviews in the months to come.
Michael's spirit was drained from the 2005-2006 trial and if it wasn't for Mesereau
constanly defending him, even after the trial, Michael would not have lasted
as long as he did. For more from Tom Mesereau visit www.youtube.com/girlmanmedia

Larry and I are in Los Angeles through next week...

contact me at 3234675171
ROOM 117
also visit us here at http://girlmanmedia.blogspot.com/
for updates.
Pics and video to be posted soon..everything is happening so fast...

please come down to show your respect for Michael and his family..

101 north exit Havenhurst - take a left and keep going until you see blockades...

then park and walk to the end of the street.

101 South Exit Haskell Road - turn left on Ventura Blvd. and when you get to havenhurst
park your car and walk down the end of the street.

I am there daily feeding the crowds with wholesome food from Gelson's market...

so if you are hungary don't worry because there is plenty to go around.

I love you

Chrissy Strassburg of Strassburg, France
